Online Registration for SASA Summer Institute 2025
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES THIS YEAR MUST BE SET UP THROUGH EMAIL - please do not select one in your registration application.
Please read these important notes before you continue. We apologize in advance if this process is not perfect for you. It is a process and your feedback, positive and negative, is important as we iron out the wrinkles. Thank you for your patience.
1. Once you begin the registration process, do not attempt to go back in your browser. If you have made an error, please make note and email the registrar at the link below and continue registration. If you do attempt to go back it will lock up your registration, and you will be unable to complete it. You will need to have all of your information ready when you start (book level, piece number, teacher name, student date of birth, etc.) as you cannot add it in later.
2. You must enable cookies on your computer to allow it to carry information you entered on page one onto page two. You will get an error regarding not having a family number if you have not done this. If you do get this error, contact the registrar and we will delete your file so you can restart. This is not something you can fix from your end. If you need help with enabling cookies, please click here. Do not start the process unless you are sure you have enabled cookies as you will not get far in the process.
3. If you do not get to the final screen where you elect how to pay, you are not registered and must contact us to let us know that something went awry. We will work with you to fix it.
4. Much like the old paper forms, registration is done by family. If you have multiple enrollments to make, please do all of them at once. Once you have registered, it is not possible to come back and make a change or to add a new enrollee. If you have problems please email the registrar at the link below.
5. Paper registration is no longer supported. If there is simply no way you can register on line, please contact the registrar and we will send you a paper copy of the computer screens. Please note there is an additional $25 fee for paper registration owing to the amount of time involved in entering the data and processing.
6. You are welcome to register for electives only and we encourage this as a way to sample the institute and as a means to include siblings. However, please know that your enrollment in a particular elective is dependent on availability and students enrolling for regular admission take priority over elective-only registrants.
Registration fees will be automatically calculated for you during registration. If you register after the deadline, a late fee will be automatically added.
You now have the option of paying for registration with PayPal. You will be provided with a link to do this at the end of the registration process. PayPal offers a quick and secure way to pay and allows you to use a credit card. You do not need a PayPal account to use this feature.
If you wish to pay by check, you may do so by skipping the PayPal link and by sending us a check to the address below. Please include the name of the student(s) you are registering on the check. Once you send the check, please email the registrar here to alert us to watch for your check. We will email you to let you know we got it. If you do not get this confirmation email, please contact us. Your registration is not complete until we notify you that we have your check.
SASA Registrar
4701 E 145th Ave
Anchorage, AK 99516
If during this registration process, you encounter any problems, please let us know by sending an email to our web master by clicking here. We will get back to you as soon as possible to help you.
If you want to register AS A STUDENT click here
If you want to register FOR TEACHER TRAINING click here